

DURING LENT:  ASHES, STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND GORZKIE ŻALE.  Ashes will be distributed at 12:15 on Wednesday, March 1, and Mass and distribution of Ashes will take place at 6:30 p.m. Fr Paul Sabo will be our celebrant.  Stations of the Cross will take place on Saturdays at 3:30. On March 25, The Voices of Mercy, the musical arm of St Luke’s Mission of Mercy, will present Stations of the Cross: A Musical Journey. All are welcome for Mass and to join us for a Soup Supper, which follows Stations. Gorzkie żale is a Catholic devotion containing many hymns that developed out of Poland in the 18th century. The devotion is primarily a sung reflection and meditation on the Passion of Christ and the sorrows of His Blessed Mother. The devotion consists of a three-part cycle, subdivided into five unique parts. One part of the cycle is held on each Sunday during Lent, including Palm Sunday. Join us before Mass at 10 a.m. Sundays for the traditional Gorzkie żale.


TEAM PIEROGI has been hard at work in Kanty’s Kitchen since early January making cheese and ‘kraut pierogi. We are appreciative of the newcomers who have joined our faithful group to learn the art and share in the camaraderie and the great lunches. Our pierogi & placek sale will start the weekend of March 4-5 and run Saturdays (3-5) and Sundays (9:30-12) through Palm Sunday, April 9. On April 9 lunch will be sold and our basket raffle drawing will take place, so buy your lucky ticket and plan on having lunch with us on April 9! In addition to the basket raffle tickets other items available for purchase will be our anniversary mugs ($6) and pints ($5). Be sure to visit us in Kanty’s Kitchen, and please spread the word to friends and family who love pierogi!

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JOIN US FOR OUR MEAT RAFFLE ON SUNDAY, MARCH 12 AT THE MATTHEW GLAB POST, 1965 Abbott Rd, Lackawanna NY! BRING FAMILY – BRING FRIENDS – BRING YOUR DOLLAR BILLS, and FILL A TABLE! BRING A COOLER FOR YOUR WINNINGS! Door Prize: $100 cash! Doors open at 1; 1st spin at 2. $5.00 – Adults 21 and over; mini theme baskets; 50/50 split. Beer/wine/soda/snacks included; pizza available for purchase. Complete form below for tickets and mail to St John Kanty Parish, 101 Swinburne St, Buffalo NY 14212 with a check payable to St. John Kanty Parish Community. The ticket(s) will be mailed to you. PLEASE SHARE OUR EVENT WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS – IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A MEAT RAFFLE…IT IS A LOT OF FUN! IF YOU HAVE BEEN – YOU KNOW IT’S FUN!  Further info: Diane @ 897-3562 or Camille @ 675-0493 (both are SJK grads!) A 125th Anniversary Event! 

Please send ____ tickets at $5.00 each for a total of $_____ to




125th ANNIVERSARY T-SHIRT: Logo T-shirts will be available to pre-order through March 19 at our Pierogi & Placek Sale,which starts the weekend of March 4-5.  Available in royal blue or gray, the shirts are 100% cotton and available in all sizes. Children’s through adult size XL are $14 each; larger sizes are available for an additional $2.00. Thanks to altar server Ryan Dela Cruz for modeling our t-shirt! A 125th Anniversary project!




Several weeks ago the old 100th Anniversary numbers flanking our Last Supper carving were replaced with new numbers for the 125th Anniversary…take a look!

The next 125th Anniversary event, a performance by Ars Nova Musicians Chamber Orchestra, Marylouise Nana, Conductor, will be on Sunday, April 30 from 3-5 p.m.  Emily Tworek Helenbrook will be the soprano soloist. This marks a return to SJK by Ars Nova, and we hope that as many as possible will attend. A reception will follow in Kanty’s Kitchen. Here is your chance to escape from modern day, high volume, repetitive ‘music’ and hear quality music in our beautiful church. Event admission is $12, and tickets will go on sale in mid-March. We hope to have many people in the pews for this, so…save the date and make it a family and friends affair!

ST JOHN KANTY MUSEUM. Carpeting will soon be laid in the two rooms in the Parish Center to display church and school memorabilia.  Thank you to Kathleen Stelmach Karla (SJK grad) and TONTINE CARPET CENTER  for the donation of carpeting for our Museum project (Kathy has also been very helpful in working with us on past projects in the cafeteria and gymnasium).  Work will soon begin on sifting through the large volume of items that have been found throughout the buildings for possible inclusion. Anyone wishing to help with this effort is asked to leave a message on the Anniversary ‘hotline’: 716/253-1160.



The following information appeared in Deacon Rick’s column this week: “When I arrived here two years ago, there was a pending item given to me to eventually relocate the cremains in our Columbarium to a proper location where they would have an accessibleimg_0378 permanent resting place. At present the cremains are only accessible when our church is open for services. I have located space in the columbarium at the St. Adalbert’s Dale Road Cemetery which is always accessible. There is no charge for the transfer. I need to know if there is any objection to this relocation. You should contact me directly if you have any concerns or problems with this. I welcome your thoughts.”


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