Bulletin-9-22-19 We welcome you to Saint John Kanty…please read our bulletin for new and updated information!
Sunday, October 6 is a big day at SJK!
Our Harvest Dinner & Basket Raffle follows Mass and will run from 11:30-3, or sold out (come early!)
We could use additional baskets for our raffle, which could be gifts, gift cards, or cash to shop! If you can help out, please drop items off at the rectory during business hours.
Then, at 6 p.m., Fr George Knab, O.M.I. (a Buffalo native!) will lead us through our Rosary Mission. This will be every evening at 6 p.m. through Wednesday, October 9.
Being an active, practicing Catholic includes participating in parish renewal programs and drawing others to new life in Christ. If you know an inactive Catholic who may be ready to return to a life of faith or someone who is searching for God, invite that person to our Rosary mission. God will love you for it!
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