Sunday Mass at 10:15 a.m.
Weekdays at 8:30 a.m. : Tuesday, Thursday
The Rosary is recited after weekday Mass
On the first Friday of the month: Mass is offered at 8:30 followed by the Rosary and Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament
Holy Days and Holidays as announced
Click on the link to go to the weekly bulletin posted on the Greater East Buffalo Family of Parishes:
Included in this week’s bulletin is a message from Fr Cole giving details about reinstating our Saturday Vigil Mass on August 3.
Be sure to have a look at our Family website, which has information on all that is happening in our Greater East Buffalo Family…and there IS a lot happening!!
Mass Intentions
Please consider having a Mass said for your loved one! Remember those who have passed away, for special occasions (birthdays/anniversaries), and for those who are ill.
There are many Mass dates still available in 2024. Intentions may be for the living, deceased (noted by a Cross in the bullein), or a special intention. The suggested donation is $15 for a Mass.
Contact the rectory (716/893-0412) weekday mornings between 8:30-10:30 to schedule your intentions…or go to this link:
THANK YOU for your continued support to our parish…we truly appreciate it!
“If you would like to offer a one-time or recurring gift to help sustain our ministries, go to the “donate” tab on this website or scan the QR code below with your smartphone. With a reasonable level of regular support, we can keep our parish active and strengthen it for the future. ” – Fr Cole Webster
We are now offering lighting of votive candles with your prayer intention by mail and online. For a $5 donation a votive candle will be lighted and your prayer intention stated at Mass, with a blessing on the second Sunday of each month. The candle would remain lit for three days. You are encouraged to attend Mass on second Sunday!
Our chicken BBQ is coming soon! Tickets can be purchased using the link below, before/after Sunday Mass, or by phoning the rectory weekday mornings between 8:30-10:30: 716/893-0412. Please support this fundraiser if you can, and bring family and friends!
Sunday, June 9: Don’t cook today!! Back again is BW’s delicious chicken, grilled right here on our grounds, and Kanty’s Kitchen homemade sides and dessert! Drive-thru, or limited inside seating. Includes basket raffle and 50-50 drawing. Tickets: $15, are now on sale before/after Sunday Mass. You may also use this link to preorder your dinner:
Purchase your tickets before/after Sunday Mass in the vestibule!
All are welcome to join Angelina Kubik, gardener extraordinaire, Irene, Julie, Lala, Michael and Judy on Wednesdays from 9ish to 11:30 Wednesdays throughout the summer to give some TLC to our gardens! Meet in the church parking lot. Bring your own garden tools and water. Starting Wednesday, May 22!
With thanks to the parishioner who donated money to purchase flowers for our gardens! The gardeners very much appreciate your confidence and support!!
Together we can make a difference!
June 16, following Mass: Sunday Social (formerly Coffee & More) in the vestibule!
Plan on joining us, and bring family/friends too!
June 23: Rosary Society Meeting following 10:15 Mass at St John Kanty. Ladies from all churches in the Greater East Buffalo Family are invited to come for Mass and stay for light refreshments and enjoy our guest speaker! This is our last meeting until September…bring a friend…and pray the rosary with us!
The Return of Saturday Evening Mass!
From Fr Cole and published recently in our weekly bulletin:
When I arrived as Pastor of the Greater East Buffalo Family of Parishes, I promised that I will do all I can to collaborate with parishioners so that our parishes not only survive but thrive. As many of you know, St. John Kanty and St. Adalbert is the only parish in our family with two worship sites. These two cathedral size buildings are currently being sustained with one Sunday Mass and 4 Masses per year at St. Adalbert. As we continue through my first fiscal year (Sept-Aug), the $863.00 average weekly collection to sustain these two worship sites is becoming a concern. I have come to learn that, despite the outcry from the parishioners, previous pastoral leadership had eliminated their Saturday Vigil Mass resuling in a $30,000 annual loss. After consultation with the Pastoral Council, the Office of Renewal, Bishop Fisher, and the Liturgy Pillar, the parish will be reinstating a Saturday Vigil on August 3 at 5:30 p.m. This is a one-year trial to see if the addition of the vigil mass will help the financial trend of the parish. At this time, the rest of the parishes within the family are in relatively good financial health with their fundraising efforts supporting their budgets. While the Road to Renewal is about coming together to lean on each others strengths, the individuality of each parish, their history, ministries particular to them, and financial condition must be respected. By selling their Lyceum building, and now with their convent building on the market, the community of St. John Kanty and St. Adalbert have been working tirelessly to right size their campus facilities and cut expenses. Welcoming back this Saturday Mass will hopefully help with their budget shortfalls and bring those that left back to experience our dynamic family!
Bishop Michael Fisher will be our first celebrant for Saturday Mass on August 3 at 5:30…please attend if you can!
Should you wish to reserve a Mass intention: just phone the parish office (716-893-0412 weekdays between 8:30-10:30).
Pick up a copy of the AmPol Eagle in our vestibule for $1.00!
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