Alumni Blast: September!


Hope you had a great summer, alumni…it sure went by quickly!

In September:

Next weekend, September 8-9, a bake sale will take place in the vestibule before and after Masses, so join us…and pick up some homemade treats for you and your family. 





On Friday, September 14 Join us for our Meat Raffle, which will be held at the Fr Justin Knights of Columbus Hall on Union Road, Cheektowaga! Reserve a table and bring family, friends and co-workers and let the fun begin!! Don’t forget your dollar bills and a cooler for your winnings! Snacks provided, but you are welcome to bring your own (no outside liquor permitted). Pizza available for purchase.

Your $5 ticket includes beer/wine/soda/snacks AND an opportunity to win the door prize of $100 cash. We will also have raffle a 7.1 cu ft freezer filled with meat, an overnight with breakfast at the Millennium Hotel, Bills tickets, basket raffle, 50-50 splits. Doors open at 6; first spin at 7. Over 21. Tickets: 693-0412 weekday mornings. TICKETS WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR.  HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!



On September 30 join us as our Parish Community honors our music director, Larry Maguda, who will be playing his last Mass with us after many years of service to SJK. All are invited to a reception in the Parish Center following Mass. Although retiring from St John Kanty, Larry will remain as a music teacher at Nativity of Our Lord School in Orchard Park. 

Please join us as we wish all the best to Larry and his wife Bernadette, our cantor for the past several years. 





There is more to life than increasing its speed… ~ Gandi


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