WEEKEND OF DEC 7-8 at SJK and the Response to Love Center Koledy…some photos!

Week 2 of Advent; photo by SJK alum Christopher Byrd - Thank you!

Week 2 of Advent; photo by SJK alum Christopher Byrd – Thank you!

Thank you to our weekend Celebrant  FR ROBERT PECORARO, S.J.,  who was ordained by Archbishop Dolan in 2010; Before becoming a Jesuit priest he was  a private-sector chef, culinary instructor and restaurant consultant in the New York City area. Fr. Pecoraro came to Buffalo in 2011 and is currently vice president for Ignatian Identity and Mission at Canisius High School. 

And thanks to Deacon Dave for introducing the new tradition of lighting of the advent candle by a family in the congregation!

Everyone loves placek! These sold out early!! Placek will be sold again during Lent, along with our famous pierog - starting March 8.

Everyone loves placek! These sold out early!! Placek will be sold again during Lent, along with our famous pierog – starting March 8.

Santa Carl, Lizzy Czajka (altar server at SJK)  and friend

Santa Carl, Lizzy Czajka (altar server at SJK) and friend

This group was very organized in watching their Chinese Auction tickets!

This group was very organized in watching their Chinese Auction tickets!


Steve Kroczynski, photographer & Ad Manager, Am-Pol Eagle with Larry Maguda, SJK Choir Director at the Response to Love Center Koledy


The SJK Choir singing koledy; St. Johnice singing Lulazje Jezuniu – photo credits Mike Gilhooly, SJK parishioner and Jack-of-all-trades at the RTL Center


Dancing the polka to the music of New Direction Polka Band – way to go Chris B and Bob K!


Two of our young at heart choir members, still singing koledy after all these years! Thanks for hanging in there, Mrs. Stella and Dolores Slazak!!







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