Some of you may have noticed that our sign on Broadway was missing for several weeks. It was reinstalled today, September 30, having been refurbished by the company that installed it in the early 1990’s (SignLanguage, Perry, NY). The much needed repairs were made possible due to the generosity of Alumni and Friends through The Mary Project, completed in May 2014. The funds remaining from The Mary Project covered most of what was needed to refurbish the sign.

We are also very grateful to Tom Burns (http://www.tomburnsphotography.com/churches – be sure to check out his photos not only of SJK but his whole gallery)  for his excellent photograph of our Rose window (used with permission), used for the refurbished sign. This new process provides more detail and durability. The Parish logo is taken from the center panel of our Rose window, made by Buffalo Stained Glass Works in 1892, and located above the front entrance of SJK. The theme of our window is somewhat unique in that our Patron is depicted in the window.

We are very grateful not only to our Alumni but of course all parishioners and friends for the continued support of our projects and fundraisers to keep up our buildings and grounds and keep our neighborhood presence strong.

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