
The Sanctuary window and surrounding brickwork, which has been in very bad shape for so many years, is receiving much needed refurbishment and repair. Thanks to long time parishioner and SJK grad Dolores Slazak for donating funds from her two most recent Casino trips to assist in the cost of this project! Welcome back, Bryans Brothers painting! (stay tuned for the progress…)

The fine weather this past week allowed the painters to proceed on their job. The bricks and window lintel have been put back in place, and the window is out for repair, hopefully to be in place in time for our Summerfest. Work was started on repainting the rectory porch and railing.

On June 1 Bryans Brothers completed the inside window work in the small sacristy. Their work now completed, the Bryans Brothers crew is moving on to make some other people happy!




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