Click on this link Bulletin-01-03-21
Epiphany of the Lord this weekend: Take home a package containing chalk and incense, in memory of the gifts of the Magi. At home inscribe the date and “K+M+B” with the blessed chalk above every door in the house to provide protection against illness and misfortune for those within. It would look like “20 K+M+B 21” The letters, with a cross after each one, stand for the names of the Three Kings: Kaspar, Melchior and Balthazar. They remain above the doors all year until they are inadvertently dusted off or replaced by new markings next year. A free will offering will be appreciated.
Continue to follow Covid precautions as you have been doing, and also: please enter Church through the Brownell parking lot door and leave through the Broadway door!
For additional information…please see the bulletin!
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