Masks are required when entering and exiting Church, when in the pew, and when going to Holy Communion.
Click on this link: Bulletin-1-2-22
Today take home a package of chalk and incense in memory of the gifts of the Magi. Further details for marking the doorway lintels with the blessed chalk are included in the bulletin. A basket will be present for a free will offering for this custom.
On January 1 we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Although not a Holy Day of Obligation this year because it falls on a Saturday…we hope you will join us at 10:30 a.m.!
(there will be no 4:30 Mass)
Be sure to look at our prayer list in the bulletin…there are many people to pray for! Please remember to pray for those who you promised to, those who have no one to pray for them, and those requests that remain silent out of fear or embarrassment.
Call the parish office during regular office hours to add or remove a name to our parish prayer list (893-0412). You can also arrange for a Mass by going to this link on our website:
Remember your loved ones who have passed away, for birthdays or anniversaries, and for those who are ill. The Mass stipend is $15.00. Please contact the rectory during office hours to schedule your intentions. You can also arrange for a Mass by going to this link on our website:
Further information on Parish Families and the start date of the Road to Renewal have been announced. See this link in the WNY Catholic: and this link from the Diocese of Buffalo:
If you did not receive the recent handout or have questions…see Usher/Trustee Ed Bosiacki who is available at our weekend Masses!
to everyone for your continued weekly support of our parish…it is truly appreciated!
Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page book…write a good one!
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