December 27: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
We are grateful for our parishioners, families and friends who joined us for our Christmas liturgies!
Click on this link: Bulletin-12-27-20
Remember your loved ones who have passed away, for special occasions (birthdays/anniversaries), and those who are ill. Weekend and week day Masses are available. The Mass stipend is $15 per Mass. Please contact the rectory to schedule your intentions. You may also place your intentions, with the stipend amount, in the collection basket or mail in your intentions. You can also click on this link:
Weekday Masses are held in the church Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend!
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your continued weekly support of our Parish…we greatly appreciate it!
Please enter Church through the Brownell parking lot door and leave through the Broadway door, and continue to follow Covid precautions as you have been doing!
THANK YOU to those who decorated our church for Christmas…the new look is refreshing and beautiful!
Have a wonderful week…and stay safe!
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