Bulletin: April 22, 2018

Bulletin-4-22-18 This weekend we welcome Msgr Matt Kopacz at 4 p.m. on Saturday and Fr Mike at 10:30 on Sunday…plenty of space for you in our pews and parking lot! 

At 2 o’clock Saturdays we continue our weekly series on Catholicism. Weekly attendance is encouraged but not mandatory. We have a small group that meets in the Parish Center to watch a one hour long presentation followed by a short discussion.   Refreshments are served and we adjourn just in time to attend 4 p.m. Mass.

We are accepting Mass Intentions for 2018; there are many dates available. Masses can be offered for various intentions: For a deceased loved one, a family member, or a friend who has died as well as on the anniversary of the death of the deceased; to invoke the Lord’s special graces and blessings for a friend or loved one; to petition the Lord for the good health of someone who is ill or to pray for successful surgery and speedy recovery; to ask the Lord’s blessings for a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary; in thanksgiving for graces received by an individual. You can drop your Mass Intentions in the collection basket or call or stop by the parish office. You can also request a Mass on this website by going to this ink: https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/mass-intentions/

Please read the bulletin for further information.

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