Greetings and Blessings Parish Family of East Buffalo!
I truly hope this letter finds you well as we settle into the darker, cooler weather of Autumn. With Bills season taking the place of summer, many of us are back to our regular routines, and for families with children, that means school, sports, and extra-curricular activities. Yet, no matter how old we are, hopefully we are all are continuing to grow closer to Jesus Christ through ongoing intellectual and spiritual formation. For the past several months our Forming Disciples Pillar has been very hard as work. I am very excited to announce that we are ready to launch a new East Buffalo Family of Parishes Faith Formation Program!
With enrollment fluctuating throughout the years, one student in one parish, three in another, two in another, the Road to Renewal has afforded us the opportunity to combine our efforts and offer a new program built from the ground up. As we begin to build a census of our parish families our approach is simple, with four family sessions for students in grades K-8. For sacramental preparation, we will be offering a parent-led, community supported preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist and will offer the traditional model for Confirmation preparation.
Our theme this year will focus us on the person of Jesus as we:
1) Prepare our hearts to meet Him; 2) Learn who He is; 3) Discover how we can encounter Him today 4) Live a life of Christian discipleship
Saturday, November 18 10:00am-11:00am St. Katharine Drexel School Hall
It will be tremendously helpful to register your family in advance. Registration forms are located in the vestibule of each parish. If you have any questions, please call our family catechetical contact, Barb Myszkiewicz, at 716-893-0412.
The parish is, without doubt, the most important locus in which the Christian community is formed and expressed. This is called to be a fraternal and welcoming family where Christians become aware of being the people of God. In the parish, all human differences melt away and are absorbed into the universality of the Church. The parish is also the usual place in which the faith is born and in which it grows. It constitutes, therefore, a very adequate community space for the realization of the ministry of the word at once as teaching, education and life experience.
~ General Directory for Catechesis
In Christ’s Peace,
Rev. Cole Webster – Rev. Mariusz Dymek, OSPPE – Barbara Myszkiewicz
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