Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Confessions heard 1/2 hour before Mass
Morning Mass at 8:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday followed by The Rosary
+ Stations of the Cross on Friday at 3 p.m. +
Click on this link: Bulletin-3-20-22
Interested in attending Gorzkie Zale?
Saint John Gaulbert is the only remaining parish in our area to pray this beautiful Lenten devotion. Gorzkie Zale takes place on Sundays during Lent at the traditional time of 3 p.m. ; music by Michal Zachowicz. All are welcome to attend!
Some important links to stay up to date on what is going on in the Diocese of Buffalo and the Road to Renewal:
The Diocese of Buffalo: www.buffalodiocese.org and
The Road to Renewal, which includes information on the Mission and the Families: https://roadtorenewal.org/mission/
Stay up to date with what is happening throughout the Diocese of Buffalo at this link:
There are openings for Masses for 2022. Remember your loved ones who have passed away, for special occasions (birthdays/anniversaries), and for those who are ill. The Mass stipend is $15 per Mass.
Please contact the rectory during morning office hours to schedule your intentions…or go to this link: www.saintjohnkanty.com/mass-intentions/
Be sure to look at our prayer list in the bulletin…there are many people to pray for! Please remember to pray for those who you promised to, those who have no one to pray for them, and those requests that remain silent out of fear or embarrassment.
Call the parish office during regular office hours to add a name to our parish prayer list (893-0412). You can also arrange for a Mass by going to this link on our website: https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/mass-intentions/
From the Chancery Mailing:
Want to learn more about the Mass? Come one, come all and discover the beauty and power of the Mass on March 17, May 19 and June 30 at 6:30 pm at St. Gregory the Great Church, 200 St. Gregory Ct., Williamsville. Our priests will take turns each month to explain the deeper meaning of the Mass. The Mass is central to our worship as Catholics ever since the Apostles walked the earth. Perhaps for some of us, the Mass may be a little too familiar or for others, not familiar enough. We come to Mass and we make the Sign of the Cross. We unconsciously go through the Catholic calisthenics of standing, sitting and kneeling. We know the responses by heart. But do we understand what all these prayers and rituals mean? We look forward to seeing you there.
Follow this link to learn about upcoming events, ongoing ministry and inspirational messages of faith from other churches in the Diocese of Buffalo: www.buffalodiocese.org/chancery/
Have a wonderful week everyone!
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