Bulletin: November 3, 2019

Please read our bulletin by clicking on this link: Bulletin-11-3-19 (1)

The November issue of the WNY Catholic is available in church or at https://www.wnycatholic.org/documents/November_2019B.pdf

Next weekend, November 7 and 8, is our homemade soup and chili sale! Cost range: $4 to $7. Available in the vestibule after weekend Masses. See the bulletin for further information…



Request a Mass for a deceased loved one, a family member, or a friend who has died, as well as on the anniversary of the death of the deceased; to invoke the Lord’s special graces and blessings for a friend or loved one; to petition the Lord for the good health of someone who is ill or to pray for successful surgery and speedy recovery; to ask the Lord’s blessings for a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary; in thanksgiving for graces received by an individual.  $15 is the recommended offering per Mass intention.

To request a Mass you can phone or visit the parish office Monday through Friday, 9 am-noon: 893-0412 or complete the form on this website: https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/mass-intentions/


Be sure to look at our Upcoming Parish Events Calendar  listed in the bulletin!

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