To read our bulletin click on this link: Bulletin-03-07-21
Polish Platter: Sold Out! We thank the many people who added to the success of our first drive thru dinner: Diane Czajka and our volunteers who worked last week in Kanty’s Kitchen putting together the meal; our bakers, some of whom also worked in the kitchen last week; Boy Scout Troop 107 who assisted with delivery to your vehicle; Barb M. in the church office, who received many phone orders; our neighboring churches for their bulletin support; and all those who came to us from near and far to enjoy some Polish comfort foods! It was great to see some old friends as well as meet some new ones!
Be sure to look at our prayer list in the bulletin…there are so many people to pray for! Please remember to pray for those who you promised to, those who have no one to pray for them, and those requests that remain silent out of fear or embarrassment.
If you have a name to add to our parish prayer list call the parish office (893-0412) during regular office hours.
Remember your loved ones who have passed away, for special occasions (birthdays/anniversaries), and those who are ill. Weekend and week day Masses are available. The Mass stipend is $15 per Mass. Please contact the rectory to schedule your intentions. You may also place your intentions, with the stipend amount, in the collection basket or mail in your intentions. You can also click on this link:
Weekday Masses are held in the church Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend!
Thank you everyone for your continued support of our Parish! We know that it is not an easy time for all. If at all possible your contributions are needed. Offertory envelopes may be dropped off at the parish office,
mailed or dropped in the collection basket when you come to Mass.
Our Lenten Pierogi & Placek sale continues this weekend: Saturday 3-5; Sunday 9:30-noon. Due to Covid the sale is a drive-thru event. If you wish…you can place your order in advance on our website for pickup:
Our neighbor Corpus Christi Church is having an Easter items fundraiser! You can see the items at this link: – check it out and support our friends if you can… Pictured is a photo of a doily to cover your Easter food basket!
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