Bulletin: June 20, 2021

Click on this link to read our bulletin: Bulletin-06-20-21



Read the bulletin for updated guidelines while attending Mass.

To stay up to date on what is happening in our Diocese click on this link: https://www.buffalodiocese.org/

For information on The Road to Renewal:  https://roadtorenewal.org/. Bishop Fisher has outlined his plan for a Road to Renewal (R2R) within the Diocese of Buffalo. The Movement to Restore Trust hosted a virtual conversation with Bishop Mike to share his pillars for change with parishioners. Bishop Fisher is asking local Catholics to help guide their future by creating a family of parishes. Groups of area churches will share resources for education, ministry life and a renewal of healing in the diocese. “There are going to be lay leaders that are formed to help guide parishes in this renewal,” said Father Bryan Zielenieski, Catholic Diocese of Buffalo vicar of renewal and development. “So, there will be opportunities from the beginning all the way through for that lay engagement, and that’s going to be crucial moving forward.” The diocese hopes to issue a family of parishes draft plan in July and finalize it by September. Diocesan officials say the plan will then be phased in over the next three years. Updates on the R2R can be heard at the above link.

Remember your loved ones who have passed away, for special occasions (birthdays/anniversaries), and those who are ill. Weekend and week day Masses are available. The Mass stipend is $15 per Mass. Please contact the rectory to schedule your intentions. You may also place your intentions, with the stipend amount, in the collection basket or mail in your intentions or click on this link: https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/mass-intentions/.

Weekday Masses are held in the church Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend!

Our drive thru chicken BBQ and raffle is next Sunday, June 27! Pre-sale only by calling the rectory during office hours or purchase your ticket before/after weekend Masses.  See the bulletin for additional info!!

Happy Fathers Day to all dads, granddads, uncles and godfathers, as well as a shoutout to all the single moms who act as both dad and mom…HAVE A GREAT DAY!

and have a safe week! Until we meet again…

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