Did you know that St Valentine is the patron saint of beekeepers and epilepsy? To read more about this, as well as other surprising facts about St Valentine, go to https://www.history.com/news/6-surprising-facts-about-st-valentine
Click on this link: Bulletin-02-14-21
Be sure to read the bulletin to learn Covid-19 protocol for the distribution of Ashes…as well as a list of Lenten regulations.
Be sure to look at our prayer list in the bulletin…there are so many people to pray for! Please remember to pray for those who you promised to, those who have no one to pray for them, and those requests that remain silent out of fear or embarrassment.
If you have a name to add to our parish prayer list, just call the parish office (893-0412) during regular office hours.
Kanty’s Kitchen will be selling a homemade Polish Platter Dinner on Sunday, February 28…serving from 11:30-1. This will be a drive thru event. This event is pre-sale only, and tickets will be sold this weekend and next in the church vestibule or by phoning the church office weekdays between 9-11:30 (893-0412). You may also complete the form on this website to order/pay in advance and mail it to the office (due no later than February 24): https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/coming-events/february-28-drive-thru-homemade-polish-platter-sale/.
With the arrival of Lent, our annual homemade Pierogi & Placek Sale (drive by) starts the weekend of February 20-21: 3-5 on Saturdays, 9:30-noon Sundays. Please spread the word to friends and family…this is our biggest parish fundraiser, and the ladies and men are diligently working in the kitchen to have your favorite Polish foods for you to enjoy. Come on down before or after weekend Masses, or order/pay in advance at our website link: https://www.saintjohnkanty.com/coming-events/our-2021-lenten-pierogi-placek-sale-will-be-a-drive-thru-event/
See the bulletin for additional information on our fundraisers!
Have a safe week, and until we meet again!
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