Holy Name Meeting on Monday, September 10, 2012
A meeting of the Holy Name Society will take place on [Read more...]
A meeting of the Holy Name Society will take place on [Read more...]
Please join us for Coffee and More on Sunday, August 18 [Read more...]
A meeting of the Holy Name Society will take place on [Read more...]
A meeting of the Holy Name Society will take place on [Read more...]
A welcome reception for Fr. Ron will take place after [Read more...]
featuring a Christmas sing-a-long with the St. John [Read more...]
Envelopes for 2012 can be picked up after all Masses in [Read more...]
There will be a meeting of the Holy Name Society on [Read more...]
October 23, 2011: Polka Mass (Music by City Side) and [Read more...]
October 30, 2011: Choir Memorial Mass and Dinner 10:30 [Read more...]