Bulletin-1-14-18 This weekend we welcome our celebrants Fr Patrick Gardocki on Saturday at 4 p.m. and Fr Benjamin Fiore, S. J. on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Please read our bulletin for further information on just announced events: a casino trip to Seneca Niagara on Tuesday, February 6 and our Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 11 sponsored by our Holy Name Society. TEAM PIEROGI has started to prepare for this year’s Lenten Pierogi & Placek Sale…if interested in helping, come to Kanty’s Kitchen Monday or Wednesday starting at 9 a.m.
Also…think about writing down your special memory for our 125th Anniversary Time Capsule. Pick up a piece of the special paper located in the church vestibule, take it home this week to write down your special memory, and drop it in the Time Capsule Box next weekend. In the near future there will be a Mass blessing the contents of the Time Capsule followed by it’s burial, to be unveiled by a future generation of parishioners.
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