Saint Patrick was born in England, but when he was a teenager, he was captured by Irish pirates who took him to Ireland as a slave. After six years, Saint Patrick escaped and returned to England and his family.
When Saint Patrick became a priest, he traveled back to Ireland as a missionary so that he could teach the people about God. He used examples to explain the mysteries of the faith in simple ways. One day, Saint Patrick compared the Trinity to a shamrock. He said that the shamrock has three leaves, but it is only one plant. In the same way, God is three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—but one God.
God used Saint Patrick’s kidnapping to convert the Irish people. In our lives, God uses the bad times to bring about a good we do not always see. We must be patient and trust Him.
Sunday Mass at 10:15 a.m.
Weekdays at 8:30 a.m. : Tuesday, Thursday
The Rosary is recited after weekday Mass
On the first Friday of the month: Mass is offered at 8:30 followed by the Rosary and Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament
Holy Days and Holidays as announced
Click on the link to go to to the weekly bulletin posted on the Greater East Buffalo Family of Parishes:
This will provide an opportunity to explore the new Family website and still connect to not only Saint John Kanty but all of our East Buffalo Family! Be sure and look at all the tabs to see a printable calendar of events, Mass times, New Parishioner Registration, Current and past bulletins (found under the ‘About’ tab), Ministries, Online Giving, Events, and much more!
Mass Intentions
Please consider having a Mass said for your loved one! Remember those who have passed away, for special occasions (birthdays/anniversaries), and for those who are ill. The Mass stipend is $15 per Mass. Contact the rectory during morning office hours to schedule your intentions…or go to this link:
THANK YOU for your continued support to our parish…we truly appreciate it!
“If you would like to offer a one-time or recurring gift to help sustain our ministries, go to the “donate” tab on this website or scan the QR code below with your smartphone. With a reasonable level of regular support, we can keep our parish active and strengthen it for the future. ” – Fr Cole Webster
Easter is fast approaching! If you would like to support the cost of Easter flowers to further beautify our church: see below!
Our annual Easter Fund Campaign is underway to assist in meeting our necessary expenses. What is the cost of running our church? Many people have worked haed to successfully reduce operating costs. However, as with all of us: utility and maintenance costs have increased. The annual cost of insurance alone is $31,000! The annual fund drive will help in our goal to balance our budget. We could balance our budget with a weekend collection of $1,500. Please consider setting up online giving on a recurring weekly or monthly basis and if blessed abundantly…consider increasing your present offering.
We are now offering lighting of votive candles with your prayer intention by mail and online. For a $5 donation a votive candle will be lighted and your prayer intention stated at Mass, with a blessing on the second Sunday of each month. The candle would remain lit for three days. You are encouraged to attend Mass on second Sunday!
Our Lenten Pierogi & Placek Sale with Basket Raffle takes place Saturday and Sunday in the rectory from 10-1. We also have St Adalbert’s delicious chocolates, including the Last Supper in both milk and dark chocolate. Palm Sunday is the last day of our sale. The basket raffle and 50-50 Split Club will be drawn that day. Stop by to see Team Pierogi to get some Lenten favorites for your table and chocolates for your Easter Basket! (photo courtesy of SJK grad Christopher Byrd/Broadway Fillmore Alive).
50-50 Split Club: One ticket $5; three tickets $10. Tickets are now available at the Pierogi & Placek Sale after Sunday Mass. Drawing on Palm Sunday!
OUR COFFEE FUNDRAISER has ended…we have exceeded our goal of selling 100 bags!
Your order can be picked up at the P & P sale the weekend of March 16-17, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Sunday, April 7: All you can eat Pancake Breakfast at St Katharine Drexel’s Social Center, sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 107! Purchase tickets from a member of the Troop or the day of the breakfast: $10 adults; $5 children. Proceeds to benefit camp tuition costs.
Friday, May 3: Meat Raffle to benefit St John Kanty/St Adalbert’s Parish Community! Location: the Knights Event Center, 2735 Union Rd, Cheektowaga. Tickets on sale soon!
Below is a link to a recent presentation from Swiatek Studios as part of the downtown library series Imagine Buffalo. Henry and Brett Swiatek have shared their expertise at Saint John Kanty for a number of years, as far back as Msgr Bob Golombek’s time with SJK!
To see the architecture at St Luke’s, Blessed Trinity and Saint Casimir’s is breathtaking! If you have never had an opportunity to attend Mass or tour any of these churches you should take the time to go… you will not be disappointed!
Pick up a copy of the AmPol Eagle in our vestibule for $1.00!
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We are Family!
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