Alumni…Saint John Kanty is having several events during the month of October. We hope you will be able to join us for one or all of these events!
Triduum to St Therese: Friday, October 1: 8:30 Mass in church; Saturday, October 2: 4 p.m. Mass; Sunday, October 3: 10:30 a.m. Mass.
Homemade Soup Sale October 2-3 in the Church vestibule following Masses.
Attend our Meat Raffle to benefit St John Kanty/St Adalbert Parish Community on Friday, October 22 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 2735 Union Road, Cheektowaga. Doors open at 6 p.m.; first spin at 7 p.m. Tickets: $10; reserve and pay for a table of 10: $70. Admission includes beer, pop and door prize ticket ($50 cash). Pizza will be available for purchase; cash bar for additional beverages. Bring your own snacks and a cooler for your winnings! No outside beverages permitted.
To be raffled: a 5 cu ft chest freezer & $50 gift certificate; Buffalo Bills Theme Basket; 50/50 raffle and much more!
For tickets and further information phone the parish office: 893-0412 or email
Join us…and BRING YOUR DOLLAR BILLS $$$$$$$$$!
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