Tickets for this concert are now available before and after the weekend Masses, or at the door the day of the concert. A special feature of the concert will be the performance of Serdeczna Matko, originally performed during the 1980’s at St John Kanty. A reception follows in Kanty’s Kitchen.ArsNovaposterfinal

As a highlight of our 125th Anniversary year HISTORIC ST JOHN KANTY CHURCH INVITES YOU to a special concert featuring classical music set in the splendor of our beautiful church!

Ars Nova Chamber Orchestra, Marylouise Nana, Conductor
Soprano soloist: Emily Tworek Helenbrook

In concert on Sunday, April 30, 2017 – 3-5 p.m.

Tickets: $12; purchase in advance  
for preferred seating or
purchase tickets online via PayPal using button below:

btn_buynowCC_LG(Small charge added for online purchase to offset fee to church, and
PLEASE PRINT PayPal receipt as it will be your ticket to event.)

Further info: 893-0412 9-noon Monday-Friday 

Here is your chance to escape from modern day, high volume, repetitive ‘music’ and hear quality music in our beautiful church…please invite family and friends, and come and enjoy!!

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